The nation’s founders worried that a pure democracy would result in a tyranny of the minority by the majority, one of the main reasons they designed our government as a republic and not a democracy. Today we face the opposite challenge: tyranny of the majority by the minority.

Although they represent only a fraction of the population, those with the most extreme views have succeeded in dominating social discourse, public policy, and even law. Transgender activists, Islamist apologists, DEI racists, and environmentalist Luddites now dictate what pronouns we use, how US history is defined, and what type of lightbulb we are allowed to use in our homes. Even language, our agreed-upon tool of communication, has been taken over by extremists. Compare the definitions of words in a printed dictionary from only a decade ago to the same dictionary in online form today. There is no resemblance. “Man” and “woman” no longer mean the same thing. How is this possible?

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