Amanda Kowalcze, Library Director of the Frankfort Public Library District in Chicago, Illinois responded to my recent open letter challenging her decision to ban my book United States of Fear from acquisition by the public libraries she overseas. A Dissident MD subscriber had offered to donate copies of the book, yet she refused to accept them. Her response below.

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding United States of Fear. Items donated to the Library with the intent of being added to our circulating materials collections are subject to the same criteria as items purchased for the Library. The guiding principles used when making collection development decisions are outlined in our Material Selection Policy, which I have attached in full to this email.

At the time the book was looked at, I believed it was self-published, which was an error on my part. Based on that additional information, I will be further researching United States of Fear and re-reviewing our Materials Selection Policy guidelines.

Thank you for taking the time to engage in our community's collection development process.

Amanda Kowalcze, Library Director
Frankfort Public Library District
21119 S. Pfeiffer Road · Frankfort, IL 60423

Fortunately, the “Materials Selection Policy” guidelines are publicly available. They state that "The Library is grateful for these gifts, and welcomes donations from the community." There is also a "Reconsideration Policy" that reads, "Any District resident who wishes to question why materials were selected or were not selected will be referred to the Library Director and designated selectors." There's even an appeals process.

Let’s see if Amanda Kowalcze honors her commitment to the patrons of the Frankfort Public Library by welcoming the donation of important recent works that challenge the government narrative. Public libraries serve to expand knowledge, not censor information.

Mark McDonald, M.D.
Psychiatrist and author of United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis